What is Vocational Training in Germany?

During training, or "Ausbildung":

Dual vocational training in Germany consists of on-the-job training at a company and classes at a vocational school (Berufsschule). You work for your company, while also learning the theoretical basics of your industry.

During training, you receive a monthly salary from your company. Programs usually last between two and three and a half years, at the end of which you are a qualified professional in your chosen field.

The salary depends on the specific training course. The minimum wage for vocational training candidates from abroad is 903 Euro. In addition, candidates are eligible to receive government housing assistance of around 200 Euro, so that monthly income would be 1100 Euro during the first year. This income rises during the course of the training.

Accommodation: typically, you will have to pay for your room or apartment in Germany. This can cost around 300 Euros per month.

What Deraja does for our trainees:

  • We help you with paperwork, for example registration in Germany and application for the government housing assistance. 
  • We can help you find accommodation. We can also offer a short-term loan for the first month of rent, if needed.
  • We organize meetings of our trainees and advise them on how to make themselves at home in Germany.


After training:

Following the training, more than 70% of graduates stay at their company and become full-time employees. Most others find jobs with other firms in Germany.

In the longer term, you have the opportunity to pursue further education in Germany, for example to become a master artisan in your chosen field. You can also study at a technical college in Germany to become a technician or engineer.